Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada

Cannabolish - Odour Removing Spray


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Perfumes and air fresheners only cover odors and are made from harmful ingredients. Cannabolish completely removes smoke odors using a safe, natural blend of water and plant oils.

Take a small 2oz bottle of Cannabolish Spray wherever you go, and remove smoke odors using safe, natural ingredients - no toxic chemicals or fake fragrances. Toss one in your purse, backpack, luggage, or car for on-the-go odor control.

Partner with a Cannabolish Candle and Gel to completely refresh your sesh - before, during, and after.

Bonus: Cannabolish products also remove other everyday odors.

The Ingredients:
Water, Proprietary natural plant oil blend, Natural Methyl Salicylate, Polysorbate 80, Sorbitan oleate and Proprietary preservatives.

Use Cannabolish spray to eliminate odors from:

  • Hotel rooms
  • Furniture
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Basements
  • Cars
More Details:
  • Neutralizes odor molecules in seconds, doesn't cover them up
  • Made with natural ingredients, like water and plant oils
  • No harsh chemicals, synthetic perfumes, alcohol, or phthalates
  • Non-toxic and safer around people, pets, and for the planet
  • Non-aerosol, biodegradable spray and recyclable packaging