Yes, Bill S-5 reached Royal Assent in May 2018.
Yes. No one under the legal smoking age (19) in British Columbia can enter a 19+ establishment openly displaying Vaping Products.
YES! No one under the legal smoking age in their respective Province or Territory can purchase vapor products and the Vaping Community is HIGHLY against underage use.
No. Vaping Products are considered a Tobacco Product and can not be displayed to minors, no exceptions. This is also why we have our windows frosted.
No. Publicly, vaping is treated and regulated the same as smoking. Never vape in public indoor spaces, parks, bus stops, or within at least 25 feet of windows, doors, or any air intake sources unless smoking is otherwise clearly permitted. We always recommend being a courteous vaper and respecting others around you.
Please refer to Health Canada’s website found HERE & HERE.
Vapor products are not intended for and should not be used by youth or non smokers.
The answer is generally yes, however, The amount saved highly depends on what satisfies you and what style vaping device you have.
Like any market, there are different tiers available for everyone. Those just looking to stay away from cigarettes, hobbyists and enthusiasts, and even the rich and famous. Design, materials, and technology used also play a large factor in the price. Vaping used to be expensive, but as the popularity grew over the past 10 years more mass-produced products were able to be made. Even though vaping has become even more affordable and there are disposable and more entry-level products available on the market now, it will never end the connoisseur market for higher grade products with advanced features.
Most devices have a 5-click ON/OFF function. Press the Main Fire Button 5 times about the speed of a computer mouse double-click, but 5 times in less than 1.5 seconds.
Many factors can cause a leaky tank such as; heat, sudden temperature or altitude (pressure) changes, or filling a tank without repressurising (taking a few puffs). Other factors include; cracked, ripped, or swollen seals (damaged seals are most often the cause), cracked or chipped glass, worn out threads, pins and hinges, or any other factors that will not let the tank pressurize and let air in. An old or worn out coil will also cause a tank to leak as the wick degrades over time and loses its structure.
This process involves making sure all the wick/cotton in the coil has been soaked and saturated with E-liquid before using to insure the cotton does not burn when first used. Slowly add juice to the top of the coil and let it soak until you can see the juice soaked into the inlet holes on the outside of the coil. Alternatively, a non-primed coil can be installed, then the tank can be filled. Then make sure to give the coil at least 10-15 minutes to completely soak in the e-liquid. Primer puffs (inhaling on the tank without firing the coil with power) can be used to expedite this process. Look for bubbles coming from the coil and do not over do this as it may lead to a flooded tank.
This indicates a coil replacement is overdue. Over time the flavouring and nicotine builds up in coils. Some liquids may build up faster than others due to higher concentrations of sweetener(s) added. Salt nicotine also tends to build up faster than regular freebase nicotine liquids. The wick acts similarly to an air filter. It’s best to change a coil before this point.
The simple answer is no. Not only does the wick structure weaken and get gunked with flavouring and nicotine, but the metal coil itself degrades from being repeatedly heated and cooled and a buildup of gunk forms on it.
Like mentioned above, there is probably build-up on the coil, not allowing the coil to heat evenly and possibly creating hot spots and even burning the build-up on the coil (all creating a rough sensation). This will be noticeable as the wick starts turning dark. A coil replacement is recommended. Other possibilities would include: water has got into the liquid or coil which causes poor performance, power on the device is turned down to low, airflow has been restricted or cutoff or blocked, or too high of a nicotine strength is being used causing discomfort leading to small weak inhales.
This is best measured not just by time, but as well as the amount of liquid vaped through the coil. Nicotine Salt will get about 5-10mls through a coil before it starts getting too harsh to use, making the average lifespan 7 days or so. Regular (freebase) Nicotine does not cause build-up as fast as Nicotine Salts, but sweeteners and a high VG content will cause build-up faster. Expect 1-2 weeks depending on the conditions previously mentioned but some have been known to last upwards of 4 weeks under the right conditions. Chain-Vaping (non-stop use) will significantly lessen the lifespan of any coil. Chain-Vaping doesn't allow for the wick to properly saturate before being heated up again, burning the wick inside the coil.
Most Big Brand stores have Lithium-Ion recycling containers, alternatively your local recycling center will have electronics recycling area. We will also take your batteries in-store and recycle them for you.
Always keep spare batteries in a protective case. As long as they are in a proper protective case they can be stored almost anywhere, although we always recommend keeping all batteries out of the reach of children and pets. Batteries not stored in a case have a high potential of creating dangerous situations, even more so if they are around any loose metal and/or have damaged wraps. Research Lithium-Ion battery explosions if you do not believe us.
There are various causes of e-cigarette explosions that can easily be avoided by following a vape device’s instructions. The most common cause of e-cigarette explosions is mishandling of the device or Lithium-Ion battery. Using faulty or damaged batteries should be avoided at all cost. Damage can happen to the wrapping, exposing the metal of the battery through use. Batteries should always stay dry and kept away from heat. Lithium-Ion batteries should also never come into contact with any metallic objects like loose change in a purse or the button studs on a pocket. For more information on battery safety please read our battery disclaimers.
If not performed properly, it can be very dangerous. To be able to build your own coils, you need an extensive knowledge on resistance and Ohm's Law, what your device can handle, as well as what your batteries can handle. Although most devices do have built in safety features, this activity is mostly preferred by highly experienced vapers.
Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer. These are often smaller units with no glass, made of a deck with terminals and a cap that fits on the deck with airflow holes and hole for the mouthpiece (drip tip). Coils can be installed in the terminals and juice needs to be manually applied every few puffs.
Rebuildable Tank Atomizer. Most of these units look like regular Tank, but have an RBA section instead of a replaceable coil. These decks can be smaller making rebuilding and re-wicking them more difficult, but offer a similar effect to using and RDA without having to manually add juice every few puffs.
Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer. These are units that resemble an RTA or other tanks, but look like they have an RDA above the tank. This is essentially exactly what they are; an RDA with long wicks running down into an e-liquid reservoir. Be warned, most RDTA’s are NOT sealed and pressurised like a tank, and will leak when laid on their sides.
ReBuildable Atomizer. This is a general term that applies to most coils sections that need coils or mesh manually installed. Some tanks with pre-built replacement coils offer an “RBA Coil” to turn your tank into an RTA.
While we don’t encourage “Blowing fat clouds”, we can certainly relate to the satisfaction of a nice exhale. Most Devices and Tanks these days do more than enough, within completely safe parameters, to satisfy most vapers. In the past this was usually only achieved with extremely high wattages, rebuildable dripping atomizers, and high VG e-liquid. We always recommend having an extensive knowledge on resistance and Ohm's Law, as well as what your batteries can handle when running devices at high wattages.
Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), Artificial Flavoring and Nicotine (optional). For most people, whether a vaper or not, PG, VG, and Flavourings are a part of your everyday lives as these ingredients are in many food, cosmetic, and medicinal products.
Taste is very subjective, which is why we have so many flavours and combinations. Fruits tend to be the most popular but we suggest to try out a few different options to find what you prefer best. What you think you will like, you may not and vice versa. Finding a couple of flavours you really enjoy is a key part of switching over to these products because if you don't enjoy the taste you will not find yourself using it.
Propylene Glycol (PG) is a base liquid that is used to suspend your flavour. PG has no taste, is odorless, and can be found in general products such as processed food and medicine. PG allows e-liquid to be vaporized by the e-cigarette atomizer creating a vapor aerosol that is inhaled. It is recognized as a G.R.A.S. product (Generally Recognized As Safe) and is nontoxic.
Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is base liquid that is used to suspend your flavour, although not as well as PG. It is odourless and is used within the food and confectionery industry. Vegetable Glycerin is an organic compound created from vegetable derived oil. VG allows e-liquid to be vaporised by the e cigarette atomizer creating a more dense vapor aerosol that is inhaled.
PG and VG are both base liquids in your e-liquid, and are both odorless. PG is tasteless and VG has a subtle sweetness. PG is less viscous than VG and acts as a better carrier for the flavouring and nicotine, providing more flavour and a more noticeable Nicotine throat hit. A higher VG content e-liquid will provide denser vapor production and be a bit sweeter, but the overall flavour and Nicotine throat hit well lessen. A 50/50 blend is suitable for most devices. High VG blend juices should only be used in drippers and tanks recommending a high VG blend. High VG blends can shorten the overall lifespan of a coil.
There is no simple answer and everyone has different requirements. When using a device above 40-50 watts (sub-ohm vaping) it is strongly recommended to start around the average of 3mg/ml. Sub-ohm vaping causes more e-liquid to be vaporized at a higher temperature, providing more nicotine per puff when compared with using the same juice with a non sub-ohm coil at a lower power. Sub-ohm vaping e-liquids higher than 6mg/ml may cause nicotine overdose if not used properly. When using a device around 8-15 watts with a coil resistance higher than 1 ohm the average set strengths for regular nicotine liquids are 3mg/ml, 6mg/ml, 9mg/ml, 12mg/ml, and 20mg/ml. 3mg/ml being for a light nicotine requirement, all the way up to 20mg/ml for the heavy users.
Nicotine Salt requires a higher temperature to vaporize so the ions don’t travel as easily to the Nicotine receptors in our bodies. From a user perspective, one of the main differences between (freebase) Nicotine and Nicotine Salt is how it affects the vaping experience. A noticeable difference is the throat irritation caused by higher Nicotine strengths. Freebase Nicotine has a higher pH level that affects the alkalinity, which makes it harsher as you go higher in Nicotine strength. Whereas, Nicotine Salt has a lower alkalinity due to the Benzoic Acid which gives a reportedly smoother throat hit.
No. Like Strawberry or Banana, Tobacco is just a flavouring concentrate. Nicotine is extracted from Tobacco, but does not carry any of the taste from it. In fact, most tobacco flavouring concentrates and liquids are completely artificial and do not contain any Tobacco.
No but the majority of them do.
Common strengths for Salt based nicotine are 10mg & 20mg.
For traditional freebase nicotine it is available in 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, & 18mg; the lower strengths being the most common found everywhere. There is small demand for Zero nicotine products and they are becoming harder to find.
No. It was, and still is, widely believed that Nicotine causes Cancer. It is now known that Nicotine does not Cause cancer.
No. While Nicotine in e-liquids is less addictive than Nicotine in traditional cigarettes, it is still an addictive substance. Some would compare its addictiveness to Caffeine in Coffee or Soft Drinks. Nicotine is highly addictive when received from combusting tobacco plant matter.
Trace amounts have been found in some e-liquids, some much worse than others. We have never heard of any reports of popcorn lung due to vaping. The only known reports were over a decade ago with popcorn factory workers exposed to raw Diacetyl powder when pouring it into boiling butter vats for mixing. Cigarettes have been shown to contain up to 700 times more diacetyl than e-liquids containing the most diacetyl that were tested, to date no smokers have ever been diagnosed with this condition. If diacetyl is a concern, avoid buttery, dessert flavours such as cheesecakes and custards but can still be found in even some fruit flavours.
The more exposure to Heat, Light and Air e-liquid gets, the darker it will become as the nicotine oxidises. E-liquids with a higher nicotine content will see this process accelerated. We recommend using a smaller travel bottle when buying larger bottles. We recommend storing juice in a cool, dark place with minimal exposure to Heat and Light. Storing e-liquid in the fridge will also slow down the “steeping” process. We always recommend keeping all e-liquids out of the reach of children and pets.
No. Although we sell Allday Vapor e-liquid, we have no affiliation with Allday Vapor that was established in Ontario in 2017. All Day Vapes Inc. was established in British Columbia in 2012.