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The XVAPE Fog Pro Vaporizer is the ultimate convection vaporizer that lets you experience true state-of-the-art technology, superior craftsmanship, and exquisite design.
Its sleek black anodized aluminum case, jewel-grade Zirconia mouthpiece and removable battery give this vape a luxurious look while its 100% convection technology guarantees smooth flavorful vapor. Every part of the XVAPE Fog Pro Vaporizer was designed to be the ultimate representation of perfection in vaping and is compatible with dry herb and wax as well as other solid concentrates using the wax cup.
For better and purer vapor, the Fog Pro’s vapor path has been upgraded and is now free of plastics or silicone. The vapor path is made from metal and ceramic which are neutral materials. Convection vaporizers are known for delivering flavor-forward vapor.
Replacement Mouthpiece Screens
Suggested spare 18650 batteries are found here